Zenpack Egg to Github

Author:David Petzel


There are times when someone might develop a ZenPack in the comfort of their own environment and later wish to contribute it back to the community. In these case the original author maybe unable, unwilling, or just not interested in making the ZenPack source available on GitHub as is being recommended by Zenoss Inc.

There has been some discussions around allowing the ZCA to accept the standalone egg file and will handle getting the ZenPack into GitHub. This document will outline the steps to take the egg and get into GitHub under the ZCA organization.

Its worth noting that you do need to do the conversion on a machine running zenoss. I’d suggest you get the git client installed on your zenoss machine. I personally think its easiest to also setup an SSH key pair under the zenoss user on my zenoss development instance and link that key to my account.


  • Your running all these commands on your zenoss box
  • You have configured your zenoss box to work with your GitHub account. This is a one time setup per box, regardless of how many packs you convert. If you have not already done this, see the section Setup Your Zenoss Box To interact With Your GitHub Account
  • You are converting a fictional ZenPack named ZenPacks.community.gitify which was supplied to you as ZenPacks.community.gitify-1.0-py2.6.egg
  • You have saved the egg file in your /tmp/ directory on your zenoss box

Setup Your Zenoss Box To interact With Your GitHub Account

Ensure you have the git client installed on your Zenoss box. You’ll also need to setup an SSH key pair. I’d suggest setting up a key pair under your zenoss user login. GitHub has a pretty good document that covers this so I won’t re-invent the wheel. http://help.github.com/linux-set-up-git/

I’d suggest you do make sure to setup your GitHub token, as it will allow us to do everything in conversion process from the command line on our Zenoss box, without having to drop out to to the web UI to create the repo on GitHub when the time comes. Additionally setting up that API should allow a script to be written at a future date which can ease all of the steps below.

Do the Conversion


Save the egg file in /tmp/ and run the following:

wget https://raw.github.com/ZCA/zenoss_zca_utils/master/source/scripts/gitify_zenpack/gitify_zenpack.sh
sh gitify_zenpack.sh <eggfile_name>


The first thing we need to do is install the egg:

zenpack --install=ZenPacks.community.gitify-1.0-py2.6.egg

Now, switch the pack to development mode. This step is also discussed in the Developers guide:

cp $ZENHOME/Products/ZenModel/ZenPackTemplate/* $ZENHOME/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.community.gitify-1.0-py2.6.egg

Open a zendmd shell:


Run the following snppet in a zendmd shell. What I found was that after doing the switch to development mode, the setup.py that gets created has an empty name field, which of course makes sense given it came from a template, however with that blank name, the relocate fails as it tries to use the setup.py with the blank name. The followig snippet, populates the setup.py based on the info that was contained in the original egg:

for pack in dmd.ZenPackManager.packs():
  if pack.id == "ZenPacks.community.gitify":

Next relocate the files outside of the zenoss directory:

cp -r $ZENHOME/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.community.gitify-1.0-py2.6.egg /tmp/ZenPacks.community.gitify
zenpack --link --install=/tmp/ZenPacks.community.gitify

Now lets initialize a git repo. This will be a local git repo and in no way tied to GitHub yet:

cd /tmp/ZenPacks.community.gitify
git init

You should see something that looks like:

Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/ZenPacks.community.gitify/.git/

Now that we have an empty git repo, lets setup a few default files. Of note, we are going to pull down a standard .gitignore file supplied by Zenoss, as well as creating our base README.rst file which GitHub wants and will also serve as the file in which we will document the ZenPack:

wget https://raw.github.com/zenoss/Community-ZenPacks-SubModules/master/.gitignore
touch README.rst

Now we commit all the stuff we just did (This still won’t result in interactions with GitHub):

git add .
git commit -a -m 'Initial Commit - Post EGG Extraction'

Make your local git repo aware of the version on GitHub (no actualy interaction occurs yet):

git remote add origin git@github.com:ZCA/ZenPacks.community.gitify

Now we actually create the repo on GitHub. You can do this in the Web UI or using the API:

github_user=`git config --global github.user`
github_key=`git config --global github.token`
curl -k -F "login=$github_user" -F "token=$github_key" -i https://github.com/api/v2/json/repos/create -F 'name=ZCA/ZenPacks.community.gitify' -F 'description=Fill in a description for this ZenPack'

You will know this works based on the response. You’ll see some JSON indicating success. Now its time to push everything up to GitHub:

git push -u origin master

You can now remove the pack from your installation:

cd /tmp
zenpack --remove=ZenPacks.community.gitify

That should just above cover it. You can test by checking out the new git repo into a seperate directory and doing a development install:

mkdir /tmp/install_test
cd /tmp/install_test
git clone git://github.com/ZCA/ZenPacks.community.gitify.git
zenpack --link --install=ZenPacks.community.gitify
zenpack --list
zenpack --remove=ZenPacks.community.gitify