Fast Track an Alpha 4 Build on RHEL or Derivative

Author:David Petzel


In order to take some of the tedious process around building new Zenoss Core Alpha 4 builds I put together a small shell script to handle all the mundane tasks. Its nothing fancy, but should hopefully save you some time in tracking down various downloads and such

The script is completly dependant on the fact that you are running it on a clean/fresh RHEL derivative. Its not going to work on another distro like Ubuntu.


The following requirements must be met:

  • You must be running on a RHEL derivative.
  • Ensure you meet all other requirements as outlined in the official installation guide.
  • The machine you are running this on will need access to various internet sites.
  • You should start with a minimal install to avoid any dependency issues
  • You might want to disable iptables, or at least open up 8080 so you access the web ui after instalation is complete

Run It

Just run the following to get the ball rolling:

wget -N$
sh 4x_alpha_build_$